
[2]The Outrageous Human Challenge - Day 1

You are the outrageous human in some ways or you are on your way to becoming that person.

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Important: Do NOT click the "back" button. You will lose all your answers if you do so.


Welcome to "The Outrageous Human" Challenge

Let the adventure begin!

Question 2 of 7

What is your outrageous desire that you have never told anyone about?

(1 minute)

Question 3 of 7

What is the most outrageous thing that you have done that you are proud of?

(2 minutes)

Question 4 of 7

An interesting thing happened on today's live. You were asked to state the value of this challenge/pre-challenge as you were experiencing it.

You may or may not have answered the question. So we are asking it twice. (You will see why tomorrow.)

How much would you have paid for this challenge had it not been offered as a complimentary gift?

(5 seconds)

Question 5 of 7

What is your definition of "satisfaction"?

(1 minute)

Question 6 of 7

I may not want to admit it but I am feeling dissatisfied with ....? (Share your answer to complete that train of thought.)

(1 minute)

You are complete!

Yes, that is it for today! 

We will tag you as your points are awarded to you.

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